Faith United Methodist Church - St. Anthony, MN Live Stream.
Faith UMC, St. Anthony, MN, live stream for Second Sunday after the Epiphany, January 19, 2025. Please take a few minutes after the service to fill out our online survey. If you would like to see the bulletin for today, click on the following link: online bulletin.
Today, Human Relations Sunday: For over 50 years, United Methodists have observed this special Sunday to honor the message Jesus lived out: that every one of God's children matters. One of the beautiful things about The United Methodist Church is that, together, we can accomplish far more than we could on our own. Our collective gifts help build "the beloved community." A special offering will be taken today, to help bring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s vision of a “beloved community” to life.
From Fear to Belonging: Join this online prayer vigil for justice and hope sponsored by The United Methodist Church. In honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this powerful event will lift up migrants and immigrants, proclaim God’s faithfulness, reclaim our sacred worth, confess our collective sins, and reframe the narrative. The event is happening on Monday, January 20, from 4 to 5 pm. To register go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wRMF30KCT-eiBG0bdKHbOQ#/registration.
Family Game Night Returns! We will be holding a game night for people of all ages on Saturday, February 1, from 5 to 7:30 pm in the Commons. Bring a game you love to play, or a puzzle you want to work on with a group and join in the fun. Pizza and treats will be provided. For more information or questions, please contact Pastor Jeff or Janet Johnson.
JRLC 2025 Day on the Hill: The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC) is sponsoring Day on the Hill on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at Central Presbyterian Church (500 Cedar St, St. Paul). The focus will be on Women, Children, and Families. This is an exciting opportunity to gather and advocate for women, children, and families living in poverty and bring JRLC’s unique voice to the Minnesota State Capitol! Learn more and register at https://www.jrlc.org/.
Faith web site: https://faithumchurch.com.
Faith UMC, St. Anthony, MN, live stream for Second Sunday after the Epiphany, January 19, 2025. Please take a few minutes after the service to fill out our online survey. If you would like to see the bulletin for today, click on the following link: online bulletin.
Today, Human Relations Sunday: For over 50 years, United Methodists have observed this special Sunday to honor the message Jesus lived out: that every one of God's children matters. One of the beautiful things about The United Methodist Church is that, together, we can accomplish far more than we could on our own. Our collective gifts help build "the beloved community." A special offering will be taken today, to help bring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s vision of a “beloved community” to life.
From Fear to Belonging: Join this online prayer vigil for justice and hope sponsored by The United Methodist Church. In honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this powerful event will lift up migrants and immigrants, proclaim God’s faithfulness, reclaim our sacred worth, confess our collective sins, and reframe the narrative. The event is happening on Monday, January 20, from 4 to 5 pm. To register go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wRMF30KCT-eiBG0bdKHbOQ#/registration.
Family Game Night Returns! We will be holding a game night for people of all ages on Saturday, February 1, from 5 to 7:30 pm in the Commons. Bring a game you love to play, or a puzzle you want to work on with a group and join in the fun. Pizza and treats will be provided. For more information or questions, please contact Pastor Jeff or Janet Johnson.
JRLC 2025 Day on the Hill: The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition (JRLC) is sponsoring Day on the Hill on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at Central Presbyterian Church (500 Cedar St, St. Paul). The focus will be on Women, Children, and Families. This is an exciting opportunity to gather and advocate for women, children, and families living in poverty and bring JRLC’s unique voice to the Minnesota State Capitol! Learn more and register at https://www.jrlc.org/.
Faith web site: https://faithumchurch.com.
The next stream is scheduled for – . Chat will open 15 minutes before the stream.